Early March 2024
more seeds are sown and Rhubarb Crumble in Autumn !
Sunday 3rd March
We continued to dig up clumps of grass and reestablish the shape of the beds. Julia worked on a wild flower patch while Cassie & Dave cleared space to plant a couple of raspberry canes and a clump of rhubarb. So, we now have the beginnings of a wildflower area and a fruit area! Lastly we planted out the broad beans which were strong healthy plants with a good root system.

Sunday 10th March
Today was a lovely sunny day! Eddie cleared some space for 2 more rhubarb plants so we have a row of 3 now. We planted 4 rows of Pink Fir Apples potatoes in an area with lovely rich soil. There’d been bindweed so, we took out as much as possible. Will just have to wait and see…. We sowed beetroot, chard and globe artichokes. The salad is coming along nicely and it tastes delicious. Richard made a good start on preparing the area for replacing the green house. Does anyone have any 3×2 or 4×2 tantalised timber they’d be willing to donate please? We need a couple of lengths to make a stronger base. Eddie planted the elephant garlic by making a small row of holes in the layer of cardboard and planting through.
As we left someone kindly donated half a net of first early Pink Fir Apple seed potatoes.
Apparently, these are a very tasty variety!