get involved

volunteering to get more greens elected

The Winchester and District Green Party is 100% made up of volunteers – this is how we’ve been running for over 20 years. There is so much to do to win elections, we rely on volunteers and welcome your help.

Any help you can give us, from delivering newsletters to making a donation, will make a real difference to getting more Greens elected in our District and County, so together we can fulfil our Green vision for a healthier, fairer, and affordable future for everyone.

Could you help us with..

delivering newsletters & leaflets in your area

canvassing / speaking to voters

displaying a poster in your window or garden

manning a stall in city centre

attending action days

any technical / digital skills

To find out more please email

Make a donation by electronic bank transfer or PayPal

more reasons to join us

Weather permitting, summer outings either for a walk or visiting local green projects
Regular Coffee morning ‘Green Chats’. Members, non members and supporters always welcome.
Special Events. In 2024 we hosted a live musical folk evening in the Hyde Tavern, Winchester.

To find out more, please email

follow us on social media

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