Your Green Party Candidates
Please scroll down the page to see your Ward

Dave Westley
Alresford & Itchen Valley
David joined the Green Party with a view to influencing a better ecological localised approach
which in plain terms means a thriving environment that allows nature to take its course and
benefit all the community.
At the moment local government spends money in an uneconomic and un-eco manner. The cost of
unnecessary mowing for example and wrong focus means avoidable inefficiency and David would
like to see a Green agenda come to the fore that will deliver a more effective management of
resources and work power that doesn’t waste money whilst simultaneously delivering a
sympathetic Green policy.

Max Priesemann
Badger Farm & Oliver’s Battery
Oliver’s Battery, like many other places in the South of Winchester, is a great community
close to the countryside. People here worry about the pollution of our rivers, litter in
our countryside, air pollution and noise as well as the light pollution from the nearby
M3 compound.
I pledge to protect our beautiful countryside from ever increasing threats from unwanted
developments like the application for a new industrial and retail estate at the former
Bushfield Camp. This plan will harm the area that had been left alone for many decades.
We will lose wonderful views and important habitats and it will create an extra 4000+ daily
car journeysalong Badger Farm Road.
Winchester needs to be much smarter when planning new developments!
I propose:
- Only build what the community needs. (No to posh overpriced houses that normal
people can’t afford.) - Develop only on real brownfield sites near the city centre
- Connect housing, public services, work and retail planning for communities (avoid
sleeping ghettos) - Get the infrastructure right: Harvest rainwater, Build sufficient sewage treatment
works - Stop sealing off surfaces that will increase flooding
I have been a campaigner to improve accessibility of Badger Farm Road junctions for many
years but current councillors have not achieved any improvements.
I want to see more and better bus connections connecting Hursley, Compton, Olivers Battery
and Shawford with Winchester reliably so that we don’t have to rely on our cars all the time.

Richard Cannon
Bishop’s Waltham
Richard moved from Ashford in Kent to Bishop’s Waltham six years ago.
He is passionate about wildlife and nature and has seen the terrible demise in population of many
creatures caused by poor agricultural policies,loss of habitat, woodland and climate change.
Being a keen walker and Wildlife Photographer has given him the pleasure of speaking to many
people hearing the many issues and concerns they have.
Road noise, pollution and safety are a priority issue along with ensuring local business’s are
supported and our Countryside is maintained
and improved where needed.
Richard states “Our Village, our County, our Country and Planet are in urgent need of
environmental change and putting wrongs to rights.
We must act now and the Green Party are the Party who will do just that, our many Councillors
around the Country have been extremely successful in changing things for the good”.

Suzanne White
Central Meon Valley
Suzanne has lived in Hampshire for over twenty years and moved to Soberton in the Meon Valley
three years ago.
She worked for sixteen years as a primary school teacher in a Hampshire school and more recently
ran a gardening service, helping older residents to comfortably stay in their own homes and
acting as a point of contact to combat loneliness and isolation.
She is passionate about caring for our local environment and has spent many years taking part in
practical conservation work, including maintaining our rare wildflower meadows and local pond
as well as monitoring the health of the River Meon. She has set up a ‘Climate Action Group’ to
provide advice and information on sustainable living and facilitate projects that will benefit
the people living in the local area.
If elected as a Winchester City councillor, she is looking forward to working with Cllr Malcolm
Wallace and Cllr Danny Lee to achieve even more for local residents and businesses in
the Meon Valley.

Elizabeth Riley
Elizabeth has lived in the Meon Valley since 2007, and in Denmead since 2014. She joined the
Green Party many years ago in responseto the lack of action on climate change, this has only been
diluted since. Having worked in the education sector for over seventeen years, she has a strong
idea of the issues that our young people are concerned about and the future they face if we do
not do better now!
In recent years, all aspects of our lives and the impact this is having on our natural world
are on a downward slide andthis needs to change.
As a society, we can no longer continue to put profit before everything else. As a result of
the current climate, she has decided to put herself forward for a position where she can make
a difference.
Doing what one can at home is no longer enough to affect change.

Charlotte Harley
St. Barnabas
I have been a member of the Green Party since 2019 and having grown up in Winchester, I am
passionate about putting Green issues at the forefront of council policies.
I love spending time with my family in and around our beautiful City. My priority is to
ensure that new buildings and developments are designed with the environment and local
community front of mind, and that businesses meet their environmental responsibilityto protect
and preserve the natural environment and its resources.
I’m committed to ensuring that families and young people have access to safe green spaces and
that these are protected and maintained so everyone has access, and the opportunity, to enjoy
and reconnect with the natural world.
My focus is to implement conscious and sustainable changes which will create a greener city
and thriving community, with a commitment to the natural world and future generations.

Lorraine Estelle
St. Bartholomew
Lorraine Estelle Abraham lives in Winchester and is a volunteer guide, showcasing the beauty
and history of our cathedral to visitors. In 2022, she was honoured with the prestigious
“Contributions to Scholarly Publishing” award, recognizing her successful career and
Her most recent work involved collaborating with libraries in developing and transitioning
economies, facilitating access to knowledge for education, learning, and research, and
promoting sustainable community development.

Mike Perrott
St. Luke
My main reason for joining the Green Party was that towards the end of my 40 year career as a
Civil Engineer on large projects (including the M25) .It became clear that most projects had
caused more damage than good. I could see that the Green party was the only party not subject
to the vested interests of the oil industry and big agricultural interests.
I am standing as a candidate for the WCC election to support the good work that Green Party
Councillors Malcolm Wallace and Danny Green have been doing for our communities.

Richard Needham
St. Michael
Richard joined the Green Party because of their policies to protect the environment and for
social justice. He wants his children and grandchildren to grow up and enjoy a happy future
and he believes that ‘The future is Green or not at all’.
Richard grew up in a village and he understands the unique benefits and issues of village life.
He is a keen environmental campaigner and would be a strong voice to speak up for local residents.

Giles Gooding
St. Paul
I have lived in Fulflood for more than 20 years and have been actively involved in the local
community for most of this time.
I volunteer with the Winchester Scouts and campaign on green issues with Friends of the Earth,
WinACC and GreeningFulflood and also launched Freecycle Winchester in 2006.
The City of Winchester is choked by cars affecting the heath of its residents and visitors.
Much has been promised to reduce traffic but little has been delivered.
The Council needs to increase its Green Voice to get the Movement Strategy back on track and
prioritise pedestrians and bicycles over cars. I want to see a cleaner, healthier, fairer
Winchester for all.

Beata Parry
Southwick & Wickham
I have been a resident of Swanmore since 2010. Before then I lived and raised my 5 children in
the beautiful Blue Mountains, NSW Australia – an area declared as a World Heritage Site. Living
in such a wonderful place inspired me to appreciate nature and wildlife and strive to protect it.
I enjoy gardening – growing my own vegetables & fruit, using composting to help recycle waste and
improve the soil, planting to provide friendly environments for wildlife.
I am also a keen walker, observing the magic of seasonal changes & how it affects growth and
habitats. Spending so much time outdoors made me realise how precious our planet is and how much
it is changing. We all need to make more efforts to protect it. I feel strongly about reducing
car pollution, eliminating chemicals from gardens & plastic in our homes.
I am hoping to educate the next generations to reuse rather than buy new, recycle what we
already have and reduce the amount of plastic, artificial fibres, etc. in everyday use.
I believe the Green Party is the only party fully committed to make these changes.

Kate Needham
Whiteley & Shedfield
We are in a climate and biodiversity emergency. Local services have been cut and we have lost
so much. I worry about what the future will be like for my grandchildren. I would like them to
be able to paddle in the sea and local streams without fear of becoming sick. I’d like them
to breathe cleaner air and be surrounded by more green spaces and nature.
To be able to cycle more safely and to be able to afford to live here when they are older.
We need to vote more greens into positions of power and influence in order to take action now
for a greener, fairer world and a future we can all look forward to.

Dee Wright
Wonston & Micheldever
I’m Dee, the youngest Green candidate for Winchester City Council, at just 18 years old and
I’m currently in college, getting ready to sit my A-level exams.
Because I am young, I have a personal stake in the environment – it’s my future, and it’s the
future of our communities. I’ve spent the last 2 years sitting within the UK Youth Parliament
tackling a variety of issues in partnership with councils: taking meetings with key decision
makers on mental health; jobs and opportunities; and education; alongside creating an
eco-conference for Hampshire’s school children, empowering them to improve their areas.

Andrew Pogson
The Worthys
I have been interested in Green Polices and Politics since studying Meteorology at University.
I moved to Kings Worthy three years ago and since then I’ve spent many hours exploring the
wonderful surrounding countryside alongside my two Labradors.
Even in this short time I have seen many changes that are concerning to me. The challenge
of building for a sustainable future is particularly relevant here, where we must find ways
to preserve our city’s heritage and natural environment.
By thinking more long term and planning with the bigger picture in mind. We can protect our
local environment, boost our local economy and improve peoples quality of life. That is why I
am proud to represent the Green Party this May.