Winchester Movement Strategy Proposal

First impressions

Winchester Movement Strategy in it’s 5th year of consultations and studies
Imagine the amount and effort that went into preparing studies after studies would have gone into real changes…

Winchester Movement Strategy

But here we are once again – another consultation that does not deliver the urgent changes that are required to offer alternatives to car traffic. Despite our frustrations we need to engage with this process. The proposals are unlikley to achieve a significant reduction in traffic – the first of the 3 priorities of the Movement Strategy.
Please tell our local councils how disappointing and weak these proposals are. Your own personal input counts most but please try to remember that too much criticism may lead them to do nothing. Please consider demanding an immediate:
20mph speed limit on all roads within Winchester unless they are lined with safe cycle lanes and walking pavements without creating conflict between pedestrians and cyclists.

WinACC has put lots of effort into working out a detailed response and it is worthwhile having a look at this:


City Council News Transport

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