Congratulations to Winchester Green Party Campaigner Malcolm Wallace and Anna Younger on being elected co-Chair of the South Eastern Green Party.
Below is their remit and we have every confidence that both will represent us in an efficient and poisitive way.
1. The Chair of the Confederation shall chair SE Meetings or arrange for such chairing to be covered;
2. The Chair shall work in cooperation with all other Officers to ensure actions required by Confederation Meetings are carried out;
3. The Chair, in cooperation with other Officers as appropriate, shall ensure that adequate communication about Confederation matters is available to Green Party members in the South East Region;
4. In the event of a dispute within the Confederation, the Chair shall initiate actions, or sub-Committees of SE Officers, to draw such a dispute to close as quickly as reasonably possible;
5. The Chair should be the primary point of contact between Green Party members representing the South East Region at European or Regional levels and the Confederation, with delegation as appropriate to other SE Officers whenever issues impinge upon their area of responsibility.