Suzanne White and Malcolm Wallace win elections and Greens make big progress in the City

Central meon valley and Meon valley by-elections

Councillors Danny Lee, Suzanne White and Malcolm Wallace

In Central Meon Valley Suzanne became our third Councillor alongside Danny Lee and Malcolm Wallace. The votes were as follows

WHITE Suzanne Emma Green Party 1717 – 52%
GEMMELL Linda Local Conservatives 960 – 29%
BODGER Eric Liberal Democrats 579 -17%
HIRSCH Oliver Stephen Labour Party 80 – 2%

Meanwhile, after a hard fought contest, Cllr. Malcolm Wallace won the County Council by-election last held by the Conservatives. He now becomes the first Green Councillor for Hampshire. The votes were as follows…

Malcolm Wallace Green Party – 2083 – 36%
Vivian Achwal Liberal Democrat -1906 -33%
Neil Bolton Conservatives 1630 – 28%
Oliver Stephen Hirsch The Labour Party – 199

the declarations..

big headway in city wards

After huge requests for ‘Vote Green’ boards and many supporters willing to give their time to delivering leaflets, canvassing and having boards in their front garden, residents could see we’re a Party on a mission to make Winchester and it’s surrounding areas a better place to be. Two Wards, St.Luke (candidate Giles Gooding) and St.Bartholomew (candidate Lorraine Estelle) from being in third place at the last election, came in a very reputable second place.

Our message is clear, ‘a Green in the room makes a difference’. It already has with two District Councillors who have achieved a lot in the last two years and with Suzanne joining them, things will get better.

Left, Giles Gooding – Right, Lorraine Estelle

Of course, throughout the whole of Winchester District and Meon Valley, we could not have achieved what we have without huge help from our members, supporters, canvassers, leaflet distributors and residents who have requested having boards in their front gardens and windows.

You can see details on all our candidates HERE

thank you for voting green !

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