Mandate Water Companies to Cease Polluting Rivers and Seas with Sewage – Petition

why this petition matters

water pollution petition

England’s rivers and seas are under threat due to the continuous pollution caused by water companies discharging sewage. This practice not only harms our precious aquatic ecosystems but also poses a significant risk to public health. According to the Environment Agency, in 2020 alone, untreated sewage was released into English waters more than 400,000 times. The lack of stringent regulations allows these companies to continue this harmful practice without facing severe consequences.

The time has come for us to take a stand against this environmental injustice. We call upon the UK government and regulatory bodies to enforce stricter laws that mandate water companies stop polluting our rivers and seas with sewage. By signing this petition, you are contributing towards preserving England’s natural beauty and ensuring a safer environment for future generations.

Please click here to sign this petition today; let us together demand cleaner waters for England

This petition is promoted by Cllr Laura Manston on behalf of the South East Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ.

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