At a recent City Council meeting, supported by Cllr. Suzanne White, Cllr. Malcolm Wallace raised a motion on the important issue of solar panels being installed on Council Housing.
Malcolm stated “The Council must seize the opportunity provided by the development of more efficient, cost effective technologies as well as by the innovative solutions and business models offered by local companies that are tailored to the needs of councils’ housing….

As we have heard in the debate, these schemes are not without risks and challenges, in terms of upfront costs and ensuring equity of benefit across the tenant base for example. However, a feasibility study of the current market models will investigate what viable, practical options are available for Councils and is therefore worth exploring.
It is noted that the council’s retrofit programme will now include the possible options of solar PV and battery storage to be considered alongside the fabric improvements to the building to raise the energy performance ratings. Here is an opportunity to investigate how the council could scale up and crucially speed up this process of
decarbonisation of housing. By outsourcing to one of the local companies who are now running these schemes, there is very little extra staffing resource required. It could also have the added benefit of stimulating green business in our local economy.

Read the Public Document pack HERE
In supporting this motion, we are showing leadership in making a very strong commitment to further reducing carbon and providing housing fit for the future. In the face of this uncertainty surrounding future local
government arrangements, we will send a clear message to council staff, residents and neighbouring authorities about our ambition to achieve the best possible housing for our tenants within any future combined unitary
authority.And so what about the tenants? From attending Housing committee meetings, it is notable how the council’s housing department put theneeds of our tenants at the heart of their decisions.
This motion gives usan opportunity to explore how solar panels could unlock further benefits for tenants- lower energy bills in the face of yet more price increases, more comfortable, healthy housing fit for the future, energy resilience in increasingly turbulent times.
I am grateful to Cllr Wallace for his work over many months researching these schemes and to the officers and the housing portfolio holder who
gave up their time to discuss and help shape the motion you are presented with. A truly collaborative effort which I hope you feel you can support.
Thank you.