‘A firm grip on Climate Emergency’ Cllr. Malcolm Wallace speaks out.

A published letter to the Hampshire Chronicle


A Firm grip on climate emergency

Last week, on the same day that the temperature in the UK hit a record high, the High Court found the UK Governments climate strategy unlawful as it doesn’t show how the UK’s legally-binding carbon budgets (our net zero commitment) will be met.

This is a huge political embarrassment to the Government. It therefore came as no surprise when I saw Steve Brine’s column published to your newspaper two days later (July 21st) in which he stated that the Conservative Party leadership had “a firm grip on the detail” and that the UK “continue showing international leadership post COP26”.

Addressing the climate emergency needs everyone to contribute. We don’t need a few people tackling this imperfectly together. To make this happen we need our ‘leaders’ to be honest about the situation, rather than provide yet more politically convenient soundbites. Is that too much to ask? Malcolm Wallace
Winchester City Councillor for Central Meon Valley
Forest Road
Swanmore. dontate-winchester-greens

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