For the first time Winchester District Green Party fielded a candidate in a General Election.
Our candidate Lorraine Estelle commanded a good campaign by attending Hustings meetings in the area and election boards were placed in many locations around the city and a number in surrounding villages.
Under the circumstances of the election and understandable tactical voting by many, we were pleased with a 4.8% vote share with 2,740.
Meanwhile, the by-election for the City Council seat in St.Michael, produced 795 votes more than doubling our share of the vote in May, all credit to our candidate Richard Needham.
Also of course, we cannot go without thanking the many members and supporters who gave up their time to help.
general election
Danny Chambers
29,939 (52.5%
Flick Drummond
16,118 (28.2%)
Reform UK,
Sean Whelan
4,797 (8.4%)
Hannah Dawson
3,023 (5.3%)
Lorraine Estelle
2,740 (4.8%)
Social Democratic Party,
Andrew Davis
146 (0.3%)
Kevin D’Cruze
127 (0.2%)
Hampshire Independents,
Andy Liming
44 (0.1%)
Chris Barfoot
142 (0.2%)
st.michael by-election
Richard Murphy (Liberal Democrat)
Leo Keay (Conservative)
Richard Needham (Green Party)
Peter Ronald Marsh (Labour)

Richard Needham and Lorraine Estelle together with members after a long but pleasing night at Winchester Leisure Centre

Our four newly elected Green Party MP’s. With our greatly increased vote share, under proportionate representation we would have 42 seats ( Source: ). Food for thought !