Cllr. Malcolm Wallace urges all residents to review local plan update

Have your say: where and how houses will be built around winchester

danny lee - malcolm wallace

Malcolm Wallace with Danny Lee, local Green campaigner and contributor to the Local Plan Review Whilst development sites opposite the College in Swanmore and at Morgan’s Yard in Waltham Chase are included in the latest draft of the Winchester Local Plan (these sites were carried over from the 2013 Local Plan), following the intervention of local Parish Councils and Cllr Wallace, the requirement for additional development sites in Central Meon Valley has now been removed.   Along with specifying where new housing will be built across the district up to 2039, the Local Plan also sets out requirements for how the houses are built.  Studies have shown that by 2050 England would use up 104% of the country’s entire carbon budget on just building houses if building follows a business-as-usual approach.  Therefore, it is vitally important that how we build houses changes, both to minimise the carbon impact of the building itself plus the on-going impact from heating our homes. The draft Winchester Local Plan is scheduled to come out for public consultation from 02-Nov to 14-Dec and everyone is encouraged to provide their feedback.  A separate SDNP Local Plan is being updated that covers the South Downs National Park and important to remember 40% of Winchester District is in SDNP.
The updated SDNP Local Plan is expected to come out for public consultation next year. Malcolm says: “The draft Winchester Local Plan is now out for public consultation until 14-Dec . Please be sure to make your views count on this and on the separate South Downs National Park Local Plan due next year.”

Find out more on the Winchester City Council website

good news For Swanmore & Waltham chase planning

Malcolm’s efforts have helped remove planned developments that would harm the community. Following an intervention by Malcolm and the Parish Councils, the villages have been reclassified as “intermediate settlements” with lower housing allocations.

Whilst the current development sites (opposite the College in Swanmore and at Morgan’s Yard in Waltham Chase) are carried over, NO new housing has been allocated in the Local Plan for Swanmore & Waltham Chase. This is a significant change from an earlier 100 houses to be added to both.

Have your say: where and how houses will be built around winchester Green news MEON VALLEY Malcolm states: “Our villages have had a huge amount of development in the past decade.
However, the changes we have managed to achieve mean less development pressure going forward and will bring enormous relief for local residents.” dontate-winchester-greens


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