Richard Needham Archives - Winchester Green Party Thu, 16 Jan 2025 16:10:11 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Richard Needham Archives - Winchester Green Party 32 32 Elections 2024 green party votes winchester Tue, 09 Jul 2024 11:27:47 +0000 For the first time Winchester District Green Party fielded a candidate in a General Election.Our candidate Lorraine Estelle commanded a good campaign by attending Hustings meetings in the area and election boards were placed in many locations around the city and a number in surrounding villages. Under the circumstances of the election and understandable tactical […]

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For the first time Winchester District Green Party fielded a candidate in a General Election.
Our candidate Lorraine Estelle commanded a good campaign by attending Hustings meetings in the area and election boards were placed in many locations around the city and a number in surrounding villages.

Under the circumstances of the election and understandable tactical voting by many, we were pleased with a 4.8% vote share with 2,740.

Meanwhile, the by-election for the City Council seat in St.Michael, produced 795 votes more than doubling our share of the vote in May, all credit to our candidate Richard Needham.

Also of course, we cannot go without thanking the many members and supporters who gave up their time to help.

general election

Danny Chambers
29,939 (52.5%

Flick Drummond
16,118 (28.2%)

Reform UK,
Sean Whelan
4,797 (8.4%)

Hannah Dawson
3,023 (5.3%)

Social Democratic Party,
Andrew Davis
146 (0.3%)

Kevin D’Cruze
127 (0.2%)

Hampshire Independents,
Andy Liming
44 (0.1%)

Chris Barfoot
142 (0.2%)

st.michael by-election

Richard Murphy (Liberal Democrat)

Leo Keay (Conservative)

Peter Ronald Marsh (Labour)

Richard Needham and Lorraine Estelle together with members after a long but pleasing night at Winchester Leisure Centre


Our four newly elected Green Party MP’s. With our greatly increased vote share, under proportionate representation we would have 42 seats ( Source: ). Food for thought !

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City Council by-election St. Michael’s 4th.july ’24 Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:34:09 +0000 our green party candidate – richard needham Owing to the resignation of the sitting LibDem Councillor for St. Michael, a by-election has been called for on the same day as the General Election on Thursday 4th. July Richard writes.. I have lived in the heart of St Michael ward for almost 40 years, having first […]

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our green party candidate – richard needham

Owing to the resignation of the sitting LibDem Councillor for St. Michael, a by-election has been called for on the same day as the General Election on Thursday 4th. July

Richard writes..

I have lived in the heart of St Michael ward for almost 40 years, having first moved here in 1985. Our children grew up here and attended St Bede’s and Westgate School and Peter Symonds College. I worked as a secondary school teacher and as Head of department for many years and am now in hospitality. I am a dedicated environmental campaigner and a good communicator.

I am local, hardworking and trustworthy.

I decided to stand for election because;

I’m disappointed by the slow progress being made to tackle the nature crisis, reduce traffic and to protect our green spaces from overdevelopment.

I’m dismayed by the eye watering costs of rents, lack of affordable homes and lack of local facilities.

I’m determined to do my utmost to achieve real change for the better and to speak up to represent the real concerns of residents in all areas of St Michael ward.

I want our children, grandchildren and future generations to be able to live a happy and healthy life here and for them to have a future they can look forward to.”

Richard Needham

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Winchester Green Party questions council over harmful weed killers Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:07:18 +0000 As reported in the Hampshire Chronicle… Whilst walking through Winchester City Centre, Green Party Campaigner Richard Needham noticed that some council workers were using a well known weed killer which contains Glyphosates, banned by some councils across the country for harming human health and as a potential carcinogenic. Our co-chair Kate Needham instantly questioned the […]

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As reported in the Hampshire Chronicle…

Whilst walking through Winchester City Centre, Green Party Campaigner Richard Needham noticed that some council workers were using a well known weed killer which contains Glyphosates, banned by some councils across the country for harming human health and as a potential carcinogenic.

Our co-chair Kate Needham instantly questioned the council about this stating there are far safer options for the control of weeds.

A spokesperson for Winchester City Council said: “Our contractors idverde recently carried out some limited weed spraying activity to clear hard surfaces at St George’s Street, ensuring they remain safe and fit for use. The work was undertaken to coincide with dry weather to make sure only the targeted area was affected….


“Products containing glyphosate are currently only used by the council in two per cent of the district grounds where impacts on the local environment are minimal and its use is restricted to twice a year.” A spokesperson for Winchester City Council said: “Our contractors idverde recently carried out some limited weed spraying activity to clear hard surfaces at St George’s Street, ensuring they remain safe and fit for use. The work was undertaken to coincide with dry weather to make sure only the targeted area was affected.
“Products containing glyphosate are currently only used by the council in two per cent of the district grounds where impacts on the local environment are minimal and its use is restricted to twice a year.”


Central Meon Valley Green Party Councillor Danny Lee comments..
“I am seeking a review of all relevant policies to limit and ban the use of such chemicals for managing weeds especially Glyphosates.

“Safer non-chemical methods are available including mechanical techniques to manage and remove weeds. Urgent action is needed as no other herbicide is so non-selective. Glyphosate works against all plant species, can potentially kill large trees, and easily destroy wider habitats.

“According to Pesticide Action Network UK many councils have turned to chemical-free options so why not our local authorities? It is essential we strive for a more hospitable environment for communities, our nature and animals. A review could usefully be undertaken with Hampshire County Council for wider co-ordinated risk prevention to people and our environment.”

Read the full article in the HAMPSHIRE CHRONICLE >>>

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