25th. February 2024
sowing and digging – we’re getting there !
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We removed the glass from the greenhouse ready to replace it with a taller, stronger framed one.
We put the seedlings in a cold frame and planted up two rows of elephant garlic. One row was started in pots and already has a strong root system and the other row went straight in the ground. Let’s see if there’s a difference….
Sowing Parsnips, finding frogs and getting the bindweed roots up
We found some frogs so atm we are going to leave that corner plot as a ‘wildlife area’ Any tips on how to make it frog friendly please? (We aren’t allowed a pond)

Eddie planted the elephant garlic by making a small row of holes in the layer of cardboard and planting through.
As we left someone kindly donated half a net of first early Pink Fir Apple seed potatoes.
Apparently, these are a very tasty variety!